Dr. Joyce Peters

by Dr. Joyce Peters


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Dr. Joyce Peters is a multiple disciplinary and inter-disciplinary health care practitioner and physician who is the founder of Beverly Hills Anti Aging and Anti-Aging Brand. Dr. Joyce has spent the last 30 years in practice as a Certified Health Research Scientist, Traditional Naturopathic Doctor, Homeopathic Endocrinologist, Chiropractic Physical Therapist & Radiologist Behaviorist and Mind Body Medicine Specialist trained at Harvard University Medical School, UCLA Medical School, Public Health, Houston Medical School, Complimentary Cancer Care, Life Chiropractic College, Radiology, Parker Chiropractic College Physical Therapy, Advanced CA, Vanderbilt University in Personal Fitness Training, California State University Personal Fitness Training, A4M Academy of Anti Aging Medicine, Giovanni Anti Aging School and Trinity among other prestigious universities. Dr. Joyce has worked in health research and product development for the last 20 years and has developed many nutritional and nutriceudical supplement lines under contract for several well know brands. Dr. Joyce is a health and wellness physician servicing thousands of clients including A-list celebrities.
Dr. Joyce is available for anti-aging and healthcare consulting through her clinics, by appointment only and Dr. Joyce is also available as a professional consulting and product development specialist on a fee for hire basis.
Dr. Joyce is also a philanthropist working pro-bono with a passion for helping those in need in under-privledge communities in several international regions. Some of Dr. Joyce's philanthropy projects have included: research and care of wounded veterans of war, low-income welfare wellness and Hispanic healthy lifestyle programs for at risk communities with a specialty in lifestyle and weight management programs in collaboration with the mayor of Los Angeles as well as training abroad in several communities including Australian aboriginal out-back outreach communities and more.
Dr. Joyce's current mission is securing patents on her researched anti-aging peptide formulas and is welcoming all INVESTOR RELATIONS for ANY and ALL product development opportunities related to health or beauty.